






We strongly believe that effective communication within our community is vital. For this reason, we offer a variety of electronic ways for you to be kept informed and connected with us. At Beldon ESC, we are moving away from paper-based communication and moving towards utilising technology and electronic means of communication so we can keep information readily available and online for our parents to be able to access 24/7.


Newsletter & Text Message Notifications

Beldon ESC produces a weekly newsletter which contains important information about the school.

These are sent via SMS to all staff and students and are also available on our website, and on our Facebook page. 


Add this number to your contacts 0488908794 so you can easily identify our newsletter and messages




We maintain our website and strive to keep it up to date with any information that may be useful. You will find photos, newsletters, and information on past and upcoming events, as well as links to forms or policies you may need. If there is something you would like to access but cannot find, please let us know via email at and we will endeavor to include it. 


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Updat-Ed App

Updat-Ed will be used to communicate information to our parents. We encourage all parents to download Updat-Ed to stay connected and up to date with school information and events.

Open newsletters and updated information from our website directly from an app. Apple and Android users can download the app here:

Updat-ed on the App Store ( 

Updat-ed - Apps on Google Play  





Beldon ESC currently has a closed Facebook group that community members can request to join. We are exploring moving to an official school open Facebook page. We endeavor to utilise this page on a regular basis to communicate information to our community, as well as to celebrate the many exciting events that happen at our school. Whilst we are still in the process of setting this up, in the meantime you can follow our closed group by heading over to and clicking requesting to join group. Please add your child's name and one of our administrators will approve your request to join the group.









© Beldon Education Support Centre